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OPINION: Public-private partnerships drive infrastructure in Africa and promote growth.

Africa is confronted with a substantial infrastructure shortfall, necessitating immediate attention and substantial investment to close the gap. Mohammed Abdulrazaq, the Senior Vice President and Head of Capital Mobilization and Partnerships at the Africa Finance Corporation, underscores the critical role of the private sector in addressing this funding gap. The cost of structural damage from climate change is projected to skyrocket to about $400 billion by 2030, highlighting the critical need for action.Mohammed Abdulrazaq, the Senior Vice President and Head of Capital Mobilization and Partnerships at the Africa Finance Corporation warns that Africa's infrastructure deficit could reach a staggering $600 billion annually by the same year, underscoring the urgency of the situation. The African continent is plagued by inadequate infrastructure, hindering economic growth and development. From transportation networks to energy systems, the lack of proper infrastructure poses a signific

OPINION: Breaking the deadlock in the supply-demand dilemma leads to a more sustainable and resilient built environment.

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