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CAREERTIP: Time management key to achieving career goals

Despite our best intentions, our promises to ourselves frequently fall flat. The problem is not a lack of goals, motivations, or drive. Rather, it is a deficiency in time management skills. You can take control of your day by managing your time effectively. Here are some actionable tips: Time Is Prioritization Prioritize your tasks based on their importance. Tackle the most important ones first. Apply the "4 D's Principle": Do (act immediately), Defer (postpone to a specific time), Delegate (assign to someone else), or Delete (discard altogether). Don't feel guilty about taking breaks when you need them. Time Is Self-Management Manage your time efficiently by optimizing it for each task. Use the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) Principle to avoid repetitive tasks. Automate processes whenever possible. Try the Pomodoro Technique: divide your work into 25-minute intervals (Pomodoros) with 5-minute breaks in between. Divide your day into half-hour or one-hour blocks and p

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