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INSIGHT: Brazil offers lessons for policymakers on optimizing infrastructure investments.

As countries grow, they need better transportation, energy, and communications networks. But how should a country go about prioritizing these investments? Are there synergies from coordinating them? Should they be done simultaneously or sequentially? Two recent World Bank studies focusing on Brazil, a country that has rolled out massive infrastructure investments over the past decades address these questions. Economists tell us that infrastructure is key to development. Not only is infrastructure crucial for people to go about their daily lives, but it also has major impacts on productivity (think, e.g., electrification of production) and access to markets (through faster and cheaper transportation of goods). Even more importantly, infrastructure investments are needed for countries to transition from agrarian to more diversified industrial and service-oriented economies, offering more economic opportunities to improve living standards and reduce poverty. 3 KEY POLICY INSIGHTS FROM BRA

REVIEW : Singapore has a grip on water scarcity

Throughout Singapore's history, water has significantly impacted warfare, the economy, and public health. Despite these challenges, the country has successfully addressed the growing water demands of its rapidly expanding population and economy. As a result, over the past few decades, this small island nation has emerged as a global exemplar in water management.

Singapore has a long history of water scarcity. During Britain's colonial rule, allied battles against fascist Japan in World War II, and the post-war era, the country experienced frequent floods, inadequate sanitary conditions, and the need for water rationing. In response to these challenges, the government developed a comprehensive master plan, which has been continuously refined over the years. This plan established four pillars of water supply, known as "national taps."

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