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CAREERTIP : Avoid traps as You Transition into a Leadership Role

Assuming a leadership position presents the temptation to rely on familiar strategies and past successes. However, this approach bears the risk of drawing inaccurate conclusions and deviating from the optimal path. As you transition into a new role, it's vital to be mindful of your departure from your previous position. Take time to replenish your energy and nurture your relationships. Simultaneously, proactively learn about the expectations and requirements of your new role. This will help you adapt successfully and excel in your new responsibilities. The source for this article is HBR.ORG You can also  follow our WhatsAPP channel  here   for more hardhatCAREERTIPS. 

REVIEW : Revitalize Urban Areas via Thoughtful Infrastructure Design

Within urban areas, large-scale infrastructure projects aim to connect distant locations, improving transportation, logistics, and commerce. However, their physical presence can significantly impact local communities. They may disrupt previously connected neighborhoods, public spaces, and outdoor experiences due to noise, pollution, and lack of maintenance.

Redesigning outdoor spaces adjacent to these infrastructures can revitalize public areas, promote social engagement, and redefine civic interaction. By transforming fragmented urban spaces—divided by individual buildings—into integrated public realms, these redesigns can positively impact the urban environment.

The full article can be read on ARCHDAILY  follow our Whatsapp channel here for more hardhatREVIEWS.
