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CAREERTIP : Avoid traps as You Transition into a Leadership Role

Assuming a leadership position presents the temptation to rely on familiar strategies and past successes. However, this approach bears the risk of drawing inaccurate conclusions and deviating from the optimal path. As you transition into a new role, it's vital to be mindful of your departure from your previous position. Take time to replenish your energy and nurture your relationships. Simultaneously, proactively learn about the expectations and requirements of your new role. This will help you adapt successfully and excel in your new responsibilities. The source for this article is HBR.ORG You can also  follow our WhatsAPP channel  here   for more hardhatCAREERTIPS. 

REVIEW : Stability on Africa's infrastructure-led growth needs to be strengthened

Africa's economic growth over the past two decades has been underpinned by significant investments in infrastructure, driven by the belief that robust infrastructure is the cornerstone of sustainable development. However, the alignment between these infrastructure investments and Africa’s economic phase reveals a more complex picture.

Whilst initially there was an increase in GDP growth across most African countries, recently this rate has not been maintained despite Africa’s determination to continue investing heavily in infrastructures. So far, the anticipated economic benefits from infrastructure-led growth have not fully materialized, raising concerns about the long-term sustainability and strategic alignment of these investments with Africa's broader economic goals.

The full article can be read on CLYDE & CO follow our Whatsapp channel here for more hardhatREVIEWS.
