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CAREERTIP : Avoid traps as You Transition into a Leadership Role

Assuming a leadership position presents the temptation to rely on familiar strategies and past successes. However, this approach bears the risk of drawing inaccurate conclusions and deviating from the optimal path. As you transition into a new role, it's vital to be mindful of your departure from your previous position. Take time to replenish your energy and nurture your relationships. Simultaneously, proactively learn about the expectations and requirements of your new role. This will help you adapt successfully and excel in your new responsibilities. The source for this article is HBR.ORG You can also  follow our WhatsAPP channel  here   for more hardhatCAREERTIPS. 

CAREERTIP : Political divisions can harm workplace harmony

Heated political discussions can create rifts among colleagues, reducing trust and cooperation. When employees are divided, they are less likely to work effectively together, which can lead to decreased productivity and a toxic work environment. Moreover, the stress and frustration caused by these conflicts can contribute to disengagement and burnout.

Fostering connections among team members can effectively mitigate the adverse consequences of political divisions and disengagement. It creates an environment where colleagues feel valued, understood, and integral to a cohesive team. This heightened sense of belonging and purpose can lead to greater engagement, enhanced productivity, and a more positive work atmosphere.

The full article can be read on SMARTBRIEFfollow our WhatsAPP channel here for more hardhatCAREERTIPS. 
