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NEWS: Coastal wetlands are unable to adapt to the rate of sea-level rise and are constrained by infrastructure

Wetlands, precious ecosystems that shield coastlines, safeguard drinking water from saltwater contamination, and nourish diverse wildlife, face a dire threat from the accelerating pace of sea-level rise, driven by global warming. Wetlands have historically adapted to rising sea levels by expanding upward and inland. However, predictions indicate that the waterline will soon shift far too rapidly for wetlands to keep pace. Consequently, future decades may witness the tragic loss of these vital wetland ecosystems. Wetlands along coastlines have historically played valuable roles for people and wildlife, but are now facing the threat of sea-level rise. As temperatures rise, sea levels are rising at an accelerating rate, and wetlands are unable to keep pace by building upward and migrating inland. This is due to human-induced climate change and the burning of fossil fuels, which has warmed the oceans and melted glaciers. Sea levels are now rising at about 10 millimeters per year, and are

OPINION: South Africa brings in Cuban Engineers to help with infrastructure (1)

Pete Mullen a Construction Professional with over 50 years experience shares his hardhatOPINION on what he makes of the latest move by the South African government to bring Cuban Engineers to help with infrastructure

Did the government make the right decision by bringing over Cuban Engineers?

No.. We have the skills and experience in South Africa. The Cubans will have to start with preliminary investigations etc. where as many South African consultants and contractors have all the information.

Are the reasons given for this decision good enough?

I don't see any plausible reasons given by the Government.

How will this impact our local pool of Built Environment Professionals? 

Negatively. We have many Engineers with the capacity, knowledge and experience to undertake this project .These, for the most part are sitting without work.

ALSO READ:  My perspective on the infrastructure fund

How can Built Environment Professionals show their disapproval of this decision?

The only way I can see and it might sound childish, but by keeping the experience and knowledge gained to ourselves. We have Consultants, Contractors and individuals who could undertake this project and keep the cost at home.

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