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CAREERTIP : Master soft skills to become successful

In today's dynamic work environment, the significance of soft skills should not be underestimated. Far from being simple, abilities like communication, emotional intelligence, resilience, leadership, teamwork, adaptability, and empathy form the foundation for success. Mastering these skills can often pose greater challenges than acquiring hard, job-specific, technical skills, which may require years of formal education or work experience. In the past, employers prioritized technical skills over interpersonal qualities when hiring and promoting employees. This resulted in leaders and staff lacking collaboration, self-regulation, and effective leadership. "Soft skills" are essential for effective teamwork and leadership, and cannot be outsourced or automated. Research predicts that soft skill-intensive occupations will comprise two-thirds of all jobs by 2030. Organizations that invest in developing their employees' power skills will be better equipped to adapt to change

REVIEW : Cape Town's construction industry is under siege by the construction mafia

A serious problem grips Cape Town's construction industry, jeopardizing projects worth billions of rands. This problem is the construction mafia, according to a new report released by the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (GI-TOC).

In the report titled "The Shadow Economy: Uncovering Cape Town's Extortion Networks," authored by Jenni Irish-Qhobosheane, a senior expert at the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organised Crime (GI-TOC), the intricate operations of organized crime groups in Cape Town are exposed. These groups employ force, threats, and blackmail to extort a portion of construction contracts. The report presents the following significant findings:

Advanced Operations: The construction mafia has evolved to form "local business forums" to blackmail development projects and infiltrate government institutions, gaining access to crucial information and resources.

Economic Impact: The report highlights the potential disastrous impact of the construction mafia on Cape Town's economy, affecting its ability to deliver essential infrastructure and services. Housing and infrastructure projects have become targets, with infrastructure projects across the city falling prey to this organized crime syndicate by 2020.

The Global Initiative Against Transnational Organised Crime (GI-TOC) report calls for a collaborative effort among the government, law enforcement agencies, and the construction industry to combat the construction mafia. The report recommends enhancing security at construction sites, investigating and prosecuting individuals involved in extortion, and implementing stricter regulations to prevent organized crime from infiltrating the industry.

Additionally, the report emphasizes the importance of community engagement and awareness campaigns to build resistance against extortion and safeguard Cape Town's construction industry from this growing threat.

The full article can be read on BIZCOMMUNITY follow our Whatsapp channel here for more hardhatREVIEWS.
