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CAREERTIP : Master soft skills to become successful

In today's dynamic work environment, the significance of soft skills should not be underestimated. Far from being simple, abilities like communication, emotional intelligence, resilience, leadership, teamwork, adaptability, and empathy form the foundation for success. Mastering these skills can often pose greater challenges than acquiring hard, job-specific, technical skills, which may require years of formal education or work experience. In the past, employers prioritized technical skills over interpersonal qualities when hiring and promoting employees. This resulted in leaders and staff lacking collaboration, self-regulation, and effective leadership. "Soft skills" are essential for effective teamwork and leadership, and cannot be outsourced or automated. Research predicts that soft skill-intensive occupations will comprise two-thirds of all jobs by 2030. Organizations that invest in developing their employees' power skills will be better equipped to adapt to change

CAREERTIP: When used effectively, humor can be a powerful tool for workplace success

Humor, a frequently disregarded yet crucial element in the workplace, can be described as a form of communication that evokes unexpected or surprising interpretations, leading to amusement among listeners or audiences.

Delivering humor effectively in the workplace requires mastering the art of storytelling. Professionals must have a command of their tone of voice, stance, and range of facial and bodily expressions to deliver a humorous message with maximum impact, particularly in terms of timing the punchline.

Additionally, hardhatPROFESSIONALS must be attentive listeners who can respond to their audience and stay attuned to the diverse emotional responses elicited by different types of humor among colleagues.

When utilizing humor, hardhatPROFESSIONALS  must pay close attention to relationships and adapt to various individuals and contexts. Humor should only be used with mutually constructive intentions.

Here are some general guidelines:


  1. Establish trusting relationships with colleagues before employing humor. This enables you to match humor types with audience characteristics.

  2. Regularly incorporate humor into interactions to achieve desired work outcomes.

  3. Encourage colleagues to respond with humor.


  1. Avoid using humor in dire or catastrophic situations where colleagues' lives are at risk.

  2. Refrain from negative humor, such as sarcasm or aggressive humor, that bullies or belittles colleagues.

  3. Don't aim to be a stand-up comedian at work. Maintain a natural and spontaneous approach.

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