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CASE STUDY: Public-Private Partnerships Can Advance Infrastructure Innovations

In the modern era, governments should embrace Public-Private Partnerships (P3s) to harness the potential of the private sector. This collaboration brings together funding and expertise to develop innovative solutions for infrastructure challenges. Japjeev Kohli  shares a case study that highlights the significance of public-private partnerships (P3s) in the development of transportation infrastructure. It draws parallels between the early days of automobile adoption and the current era of smart road technologies. Early investors and businesses played a crucial role in paving the way for the first cross-country route, the Lincoln Highway, demonstrating the transformative power of P3s. The author emphasizes the advantages of the private sector in raising capital, experimenting, and devising solutions without direct financial risk to taxpayers. Modern P3s leverage the expertise and funding of the private sector to address infrastructure challenges, such as the I-95 Express Lanes in Northe

OPINION: How can Built Environment Professionals influence their industry? Mzamisi Nzimande

Civil Engineering Technologist Mzamisi Nzimande shares his hardhatOPINION on the question how can Built Environment Professionals use their individual experience to make an impact in the industry and emulate the example set by the late Nelson Mandela that as individuals we have the power to impact the world.

Please give us a brief summary of your career.

I am a Civil Engineering Technologist and a Construction Project Management professional. I specialise in construction project management of multi-disciplinary civil infrastructure projects

How can Built Environment Professionals emulate the late Nelson Mandela by using their personal experience to impact the industry?

By being selfless and also ensuring that they pass on the necessary experience to the young and upcoming Built Environment Professionals. I strongly believe in mentorship and continued personal development, the moment we as professionals stop learning and equipping ourselves with relevant knowledge we would automatically cease to be of any influence in the industry.

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