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CAREERTIP: Time management key to achieving career goals

Despite our best intentions, our promises to ourselves frequently fall flat. The problem is not a lack of goals, motivations, or drive. Rather, it is a deficiency in time management skills. You can take control of your day by managing your time effectively. Here are some actionable tips: Time Is Prioritization Prioritize your tasks based on their importance. Tackle the most important ones first. Apply the "4 D's Principle": Do (act immediately), Defer (postpone to a specific time), Delegate (assign to someone else), or Delete (discard altogether). Don't feel guilty about taking breaks when you need them. Time Is Self-Management Manage your time efficiently by optimizing it for each task. Use the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) Principle to avoid repetitive tasks. Automate processes whenever possible. Try the Pomodoro Technique: divide your work into 25-minute intervals (Pomodoros) with 5-minute breaks in between. Divide your day into half-hour or one-hour blocks and p

CAREERTIPS: 5 key things Construction Professionals should understand about standard form contracts

There are a few “standard form” contracts which can be used for:
  • construction work; and
  • construction -related professional services (for example, pure design work or supervision work for construction)

My list of key issues on" standard form" contracts Construction Professionals should be familiar with

1. What are the benefits of standard form contracts?

Standard form contracts are useful because they are readily available and are usually easier to agree on (instead of drafting the entire contract from scratch). The parties may, however, want to modify their standard contract to some extent to allow for their specific requirements. Because of this, we distinguish between the General Conditions of Contract (GCC) and the Special Conditions of Contract (SCC).

2. What are General Conditions of Contracts (GCC)?

The GCC’s:

• are the standard terms of the contract; and

• are amended by the Special Conditions of Contract (SCC’s).

3. What are Special Conditions of Contract (SCC's)?

The SCC’s:

• are used to add to, amend or even delete the GCC’s; and

• are specific changes to the contract based on the requirements for the specific project concerned.

4. What do you do when there is a conflict ?

The SCC’s should be read together with the GCC’s when reviewing the contract. Where there is a conflict between the SCC’s and the GCC’s, we need to consider the priority of documents, usually the SCC’s prevail over the GCC’s.

5. Why is it so important to complete the Contract Data section of your contract?

Most contracts require additional information for proper contract administration. This is usually defined in the document called Contract Data. Completion of the Contract Data is essential to create a complete contract.

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