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CAREERTIP: Construction Professionals should start treating AI like a new colleague

Artificial intelligence (AI) isn’t going away and construction professionals need to embrace it and start working with it as if it were a new colleague. Across all industries, including construction, the adoption of AI is rapidly gaining momentum. This is because technology has finally advanced to the point where it can handle the complex and unstructured data involved in construction projects. Experts predict that AI will continue to develop into what they call "composite AI." Construction professionals, however, have some concerns about adopting AI. These concerns include: Regulatory Framework: Construction professionals must ensure that they comply with all applicable laws and regulations. They must also protect themselves, as AI can be programmed with specific guidelines to produce desired outputs. Ethics : There are important legal and ethical issues to consider when using AI. For example, who is liable if something goes wrong? Who is responsible if a disaster occurs as

CAREERTIP: To Enhance Career Prospects, Gen Z Needs To Develop Effective Communication Skills

Gen Z's reliance on digital communication methods has created challenges in developing comprehensive communication skills, including both verbal and written. Unlike previous generations, they may lack proficiency in comprehensive communication, making it difficult to address imbalances like they were in the past through traditional workshops or mentorship.

Recent research indicates that managers and business leaders find Gen-Z to be more challenging to work with compared to other generations. The reasons cited include a lack of technology skills, insufficient motivation and effort, poor communication abilities, and a tendency to take offense easily.

If Gen-Z wants to improve their professional standing in the workplace, experts recommend focusing on enhancing their interpersonal and communication skills. Here are some specific strategies:

Expand Your Reading: Gen-Z individuals tend to neglect reading newspapers, books, and even relevant industry and trends reports online. Reading helps expand vocabulary, gather insights and perspectives, and enhances articulation. When encountering a new word, look it up, understand its meaning, and incorporate it into communication. Reading also keeps you up-to-date on industry economics and trends, boosting confidence when sharing data and insights.

Network Regularly: Improving poor interpersonal skills requires practice. One way to achieve this is by networking with industry experts at workshops or events. Learning from their experiences and insights makes you smarter. Additionally, aim to meet at least one new person each week, even if they are not potential mentors or investors. Regular face-to-face conversations enhance thinking and communication abilities.

Practice Active Listening: Active listening is a skill that requires conscious effort. While listening, avoid formulating your response and demonstrate engagement through eye contact, head nods, and natural gestures. Observe and learn from non-verbal cues of the speaker. Monitor your own non-verbal reactions, such as facial expressions and breathing. Refrain from interrupting. Visualize what the other person is saying and avoid judgment or criticism until they have finished speaking. To remember their name, say it at least three times during the conversation.

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