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CAREERTIP : Mastering effective communication skills can lead to salaries or career growth in today’s digital age

Even in an era of advanced technology like ChatGPT, which can assist in drafting various kinds of writing, it remains crucial to acquire effective communication skills. Beyond merely conveying information, the ability to speak and write well holds immense value. Knowing how to communicate effectively allows individuals to convey their thoughts, ideas, and emotions in a clear, concise, and engaging manner, fostering stronger connections and relationships in both personal and professional settings. It’s important to understand that effective communication skills are the opposite of constant, careless chatter. Speaking more doesn’t make you a better communicator. True mastery lies in message quality. Active listening One of the foremost effective communication skills involves no speaking at all: active listening. This skill involves hearing words and truly comprehending the message, empathizing with the speaker, and responding appropriately. Contrary to the belief that speaking more is th

NEWS: Why COVID-19 stimulus needs to account for future infrastructure risks

It's critically important for coronavirus stimulus measures to focus on projects that not only grow the economy, but also anticipate the impact of future risks, particularly climate change.

Once the current COVID-19 crisis has been contained, the focus of governments everywhere will inevitably shift to improving their economic health.

With its immense potential for job creation, infrastructure can play a significant role in this recovery and it’s likely we’ll soon see vast sums of money being poured into major projects globally. However, funding alone will not be enough to ensure that we are building a sustainable system.

Instead, we must pay close consideration to the long-term consequences of short-term stimulus measures and focus on projects that not only grow the economy, but that also anticipate the impact of future risks, particularly climate change.If COVID-19 has taught us anything, it should be that the unpredictable has become increasingly probable and failing to acknowledge that fact earlier has imposed a steep social and economic cost on the world.

Many of the consequences arising from the COVID-19 pandemic have been extreme and rapid escalations of existing trends that some leaders, particularly in the infrastructure industry, had already identified as future risks.

So, while this crisis is unprecedented, it was not entirely unpredictable – but we were clearly unprepared to deal with its impact.

Moving towards a green future
This crisis will cause investors to demand greater certainty around the sustainability of projects, with an emphasis on contingency planning and crisis management, leading us inevitably towards a new green economy.

Even before this pandemic, many business leaders had advocated for a shift towards green investing, and COVID-19 has created an environment where wholesale transformation of our economy is now not only possible, but essential.

In recent weeks, there’s been a concerted push for a green recovery from the UN Secretary General and business leaders, with the European Parliament saying their Green Deal must be integrated into any recovery measures. But governments in Europe, and around the world, remain divided on how high a priority climate risk should be in the immediate recovery.

However, while governments undoubtedly need to stimulate economic activity in the short-term, they mustn’t lose sight of the necessity to create long-term sustainability that will support jobs and growth well beyond the current crisis.

World Bank data indicates that renewable energy projects are more effective at long-term job creation than fossil fuel projects, while also being increasingly cost competitive. The International Renewable Energy Agency projects that accelerate investment in renewable energy could add almost $100 trillion to global GDP by 2050.
Imagine a world where the health of the environment and wellbeing of citizens are paramount in economic, social and political decision-making. The infrastructure industry revolutionises, following the principles of the circular economy.
Could The Green Planet become the reality in the post-COVID world?

Anticipating the future to manage risk
We are at an important juncture. The potential to rebuild our global economy in a way that is truly sustainable and resilient has never been greater. But governments and the infrastructure industry must work together now to identify and understand what is needed, not just for tomorrow, but in five, ten, and twenty years from now.

The immediate consequences of our COVID-19 response are likely to continue for some time and key amongst those is an increasing shift towards ‘deglobalisation’ resulting from the extreme border control measures that have been introduced.

The world is necessarily more local, and the effect this has on supply chains and workforce mobility will be significant in both the long and short-term. We have already seen the impact of China’s border restrictions play out in major projects across Asia.

These challenges will intensify the need for public-private partnerships, not only to support the scale of investment required but also to provide the expertise required to deliver and operate assets in the context of these constraints.

Critically, governments and the infrastructure industry will need to consult widely in determining how regulatory frameworks can be improved in light of future challenges, providing greater certainty for investors who are increasingly attuned to future risk and stimulating the increase in the public-private partnerships that will be needed.

Infrastructure will undoubtedly underpin our economic and social recovery, but rather than simply rushing to build for today, we must question what tomorrow may look like. By investing time now in scenario planning, industry will be better prepared for a multitude of possible futures and more resilient to weather shocks in the long-term.

This hardhatNEWS was published for the WEForum by Marie Lam-Frendo Chief Executive Officer, Global Infrastructure Hub and Katherine Davisson Head of Shaping the Future of Cities, Infrastructure and Urban Services, World Economic Forum
