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CAREERTIP : Embrace Healthy Conflict In The Workplace

Embracing constructive conflict is paramount to nurturing innovation, fortifying relationships, and driving growth. This approach values diverse perspectives, reinforces camaraderie, fuels innovation, and advocates for constructive conflict resolution strategies. Through this lens, hardhatPROFESSIONALS cultivate an environment where conflicts are recognized as opportunities for personal and professional growth, leading to positive transformations. Understanding the significance of healthy conflict, hardhat professionals can foster an environment that values diverse opinions and promotes constructive resolution. Encouraging Different Perspectives: Embrace diversity of thought as a catalyst for innovation and problem-solving. Encourage team members to freely express their viewpoints, challenge assumptions, and engage in respectful discussions. Foster an inclusive culture that appreciates and values different perspectives. Building Relationships with Colleagues: Use conflicts as an opport

REVIEW: Without infrastructure, Africa cannot compete with the globe

Africa's success in the global era depends critically on the establishment of a robust infrastructure foundation for digital connectivity. The continent needs to prioritize infrastructure development and enhance mobility to facilitate seamless connectivity. This would serve as a gateway for Africa to compete effectively in the global arena.

In Africa, infrastructure development is regarded as a fundamental pillar for economic progress.Tshepo Mahloele, Chair of the Harith Group, believes that without a solid infrastructure foundation, the continent's aspirations for economic growth and regional development cannot be realized.

He says the relationship between infrastructure and mobility is inextricably linked. While Africa may aspire to embrace technologies like computers and mobility, these advancements are contingent upon a robust infrastructure base. Without it, these initiatives are destined to falter. Therefore, the continent requires infrastructure and mobility solutions that facilitate connectivity, thereby enabling it to compete effectively in the global arena.

Tshepo Mahloele continues to say the way forward for Africa is predicated upon leveraging its abundant natural resources. The continent must recognize and harness its inherent wealth to compete on the global stage. However, the funding models employed by developed economies should be extended to Africa, fostering a level playing field.

The full article can be read on Timeslive, follow our Whatsapp channel here for more hardhatREVIEWS.
