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CAREERTIP : Self-acceptance is key to career success.

We all struggle with self-acceptance due to fear of negative judgments and focus on flaws. We mistakenly believe self-criticism aids in personal improvement. Initiating a successful hardhatCAREER journey begins with an honest evaluation of your current situation. This initial acknowledgment is vital, as it lays the groundwork for progress. Embracing where you stand is comparable to planting your feet firmly, allowing for effective forward propulsion. Accepting your current position is the cornerstone for establishing a solid and robust foundation for success. What are the strategies to cultivate self-acceptance? Self-acceptance entails acknowledging both your strengths and weaknesses without harsh judgments. It permits personal growth and fosters self-trust. Being overly critical hinders progress and diminishes the impact of achievements. The essence of self-acceptance is being content with who you are, imperfections included, and refraining from portraying an image of perfection. Why

COMMENTARY : SA not investing enough in innovation on infrastructure development

Underinvestment in R&D in South Africa's infrastructure sector has hindered the development of innovation capacity, leading to missed opportunities.

According to Siseko Maposa South Africa faces challenges in developing innovative solutions for its infrastructure and construction industry, and in addressing questions about what and how to build. One indicator is the lack of prioritization of financing for innovation.

Innovation plays a crucial role in supporting critical growth properties. Public and private sector players need to support and fund research and development (R&D) initiatives to enhance innovation capacity.

There is a strong academic consensus on the positive effects of increased R&D expenditure on infrastructural development. These include better project conceptualization, development, implementation, and management, the creation of cost-efficient materials, identification of technological advancements in construction processes, and the development of efficient methods, tools, and equipment.

The positive impacts of R&D expenditure on infrastructure development are well-documented. For example, in China, which spent 2.3% of its GDP on R&D in 2020, government-initiated R&D subsidies for corporate companies led to technological upgrading, capital deepening, and economic growth in the infrastructure industry.

Improvements in finance for innovation will support South Africa's need for future-proofing infrastructure to generate climate resilience. The country's critical infrastructure, such as water, bridges, roads, and rail, shows low levels of climate resilience, making many parts susceptible to failure during natural disasters.

Financing for innovation can also drive sectoral development by generating disruptive technologies that increase competitiveness and force companies to improve their processes. This is crucial for South Africa, considering the current state of companies operating in the sector. Small, medium, and micro enterprises (SMMEs) conduct a significant majority of activities in South Africa's built environment and generate up to 80% of jobs in the sector.

This commentary was written by Siseko Maposa who is  the director of Surgetower Associates, the full article can be read on IOLfollow our WhatsApp channel here for more hardhatCOMMENTARIES.
