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CAREERTIP: Time management key to achieving career goals

Despite our best intentions, our promises to ourselves frequently fall flat. The problem is not a lack of goals, motivations, or drive. Rather, it is a deficiency in time management skills. You can take control of your day by managing your time effectively. Here are some actionable tips: Time Is Prioritization Prioritize your tasks based on their importance. Tackle the most important ones first. Apply the "4 D's Principle": Do (act immediately), Defer (postpone to a specific time), Delegate (assign to someone else), or Delete (discard altogether). Don't feel guilty about taking breaks when you need them. Time Is Self-Management Manage your time efficiently by optimizing it for each task. Use the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) Principle to avoid repetitive tasks. Automate processes whenever possible. Try the Pomodoro Technique: divide your work into 25-minute intervals (Pomodoros) with 5-minute breaks in between. Divide your day into half-hour or one-hour blocks and p

CONVERSATIONS: What does the Government infrastructure program mean to you as Construction Professional?

Mbali Mbuli and Msebenzi Majiya both Construction Professionals tell us what the proposed Government infrastructure program mean to them
