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CAREERTIP : Emotional intelligence is a skill that can be learned.

While technical proficiency is crucial, effective leadership skills are equally pivotal for a hardhatCAREER success. Emotional intelligence (EQ) has emerged as a vital skill set in both personal and professional development. Contrary to its perceived softness, EQ is a challenging but transformative skill that sets individuals apart. Recognizing nonverbal cues and responding appropriately is a key characteristic of high EQ. Emotional intelligence involves attentive listening, prioritizing understanding over quick responses. Despite being challenging, emotional intelligence is a learnable skill that not many people possess. Its acquisition can be transformative, setting individuals apart and contributing to professional success. 3 Strategies to Master Emotional Intelligence Effective communication Harsh words can inflict pain. To foster healthier relationships, develop the ability to assertively yet respectfully express your emotions. Articulate your thoughts and feelings clearly, while

CAREERTIPS: Construction and Built Environment Professionals should see themselves as change agents

Nomzamo Mlungu a Built Environment Professional in the Public Sector recently asked "How often have you recognized the value that you add through the work that you do?" because she believes Construction and Built Environment Professionals need to give themselves a pat on the back about the work they do.

Watch her as she explains why Construction and Built Environment Professionals are valuable to our communities and the economy.

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  1. Waking up in the Morning Doing my best in construction industry 🤗 I enjoy the most. We face new challenges each day but damn I enjoy my work environment.

    Thank you Nomzamo

  2. Great industry to be in! Cuts across all sectors of the economy. I'm glad you're loving your work.


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